Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My "personal" sign

Kelly looked up my "personal" sign based on name and birthdate... It is pretty much exactly how i would, and have, described myself before...

"Emily is an unsung hero, an undiscovered genius...and an unknown quantity. It is because Emily is such an unknown quantity that her heroism goes unsung and her genius undiscovered. Some people will blow their own trumpets from the highest hill even when those trumpets are battered and badly out of tune. Emily is rather the opposite. No matter how bright the light inside her shines, she will always find a bushel big enough to hide it under.

Emily wants to be thought of as stable, steady and solid. She tries her best to do what the world expects of her, she wants to be a trooper - a loyal, reliable, down-to-earth kind of character. In the attempt to give this impression Emily strives to be modest, restrained and realistic. She almost succeeds. Through diligent effort Emily manages to persuade herself and the rest of the watching world that she is a known quantity. At best she will allow herself to be known for her talent in one particular area or for her courage with regard to one particular topic.

The trouble is Emily is a Capricorn and Capricorns, despite all that some astrologers say, are always unknown quantities. Deep down inside Emily yearns to be wild and crazy, footloose and fancy-free. She wants to break the rules, question convention and court controversy. Only one thing stops her - a little voice in the back of her head that says "Excuse me, who do you think you are? That's not the kind of activity that Emily can get away with." If you want to be a true friend to Emily you must encourage her to ignore that voice. She will love you for it and she won't need much encouraging.

Emily was born to be brilliant. She was destined to be daring. One day she will realise this and then...the world had better look out."

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Holiday spirit

For someone as unemotive and cynical as I can often be, I have no quams when it comes to getting into the holiday spirit. I adore Christmas, probably just as much as i did when I was a little child still believing in Santa Claus.

Its not even the gifts, or the lights. Its not really even the trees or the songs. Its the energy. There is something in the air this time of year that feeds me. Shows me how starved i have been for the rest of the year. Why cant this feeling last? Why cant i love the way i do now, everyday?

A couple weeks back i spent all my money trying to make my apartment into a winter wonderland of sorts. I bought a tree, lights, stockings, poinsetta, candy canes, santa hats, the whole shabang. I've picked up a couple holiday CDs and play them on continual rotation. Its the one time that i will be openly cheesy and i cant get enough of it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Nothing to say...

I have had nothing interesting to say lately although i no doubt am overflowing with interesting thoughts and ideas... why are some spaces in time so easy to fill with pages of emotionally charged nonsensical speak and others hold no promise of creative reflection?

wow- that was almost interestingly thought provoking in itself...
