Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The only political statement I will ever make...

I would never pretend to know anything about politics. I don't keep up with the debates, know little about the candidates, and basically vote democratic because it seems to be the less obnoxious of the two parties according to my peers.

However, I will make one statement regarding this past brouhaha for the democratic nomination. For as much as I know, I would have been fine with either Hillary or Obama taking the ticket. My only serious disappointment in Obama's success with the primaries is the unfair attitudes towards Hillary in the media and a tragic number of voters.

I'm not a stand on my soap box and preach equal rights kinda feminist however this election made me realize just how blase society is regarding gender prejudice. Attacks on Hillary were rarely to do with her actual politics and more to do with her sex. The wife of a former president, was she only worth electing to get Bill back in office? If she cried tears of joy or disappointment she was criticized for being an over emotive female. Put down for her dowdy suits or choice of hairstyle. Why is this ok?? Why is it that a country that can be so conscious of being racially accepting, not making stereotypical or prejudice remarks towards a black male candidate can so outwardly and unapologetically sexist. 

Its sad that this sort of discrimination and mindset is still so widely accepted.  Maybe Hillary isn't the best choice for presidency, but if thats true it certainly isn't because she may have menopausal mood swings during a UN meeting.

Stepping off my soap box now....

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