Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have this friend... who will hopefully never read this blog.

And let's try that again.

So, I have this friend. And I hopelessly want to be with him in a not just friend sorta way. But how does one even take that kinda step?

We met a few years ago, hit it off and he asked me to drinks. My friend who was with me when we met was already referring to him as my soulmate and I was pretty excited for the date. Except that apparently it wasn't really a date. While out on our non-date I was told that he actually had a girlfriend but he really wanted to hang out with me so he asked me out anyway. Ouch.

My first thought was how much I wanted to do the always popular in movies (and oh so fun looking) martini in the face move. My next was to suck it up and just be his friend.

Years later I am still just his friend, despite the fact that we're both currently single. And I'm having a really hard time figuring out whether I can ever cross that line.

Which sucks.

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