Thursday, May 31, 2007

The tragedy of morning

I've often, in my more delusional moments, fancied myself a writer. Maybe not to the degree to which i aspire, but i no doubt understand basic sentance structure, diction, verbiage and all that other fascinating stuff that four years of an english major (and a basic primary foundation) aims to teach... When i was released from the sanctimonious walls of higher education, the tools to create my future were metriculously hidden in the magical power of words.

now, if only i could properly find my voice, that life i am aimlessly searching for may finally unfold before me. where to begin the quest for my own holy grail is perhaps the hardest question of all, and one that words are proving to fail me in answering.

i hope you'll read, i hope you'll love, i hope i hope i hope...

Currently listening to: Muddy Waters
Currently reading: emails
Currently watching: my phone ring
Currently feeling: artistic

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