Friday, January 9, 2009


(circa Jan 2002)

So what's she like?

Is she small?
That was always my problem
Too tall
for you
You didn't like that

Is she thin?
Could you hold her up
in the palm of your hand?
You couldn't even
hold my heart anymore
That alone is too heavy
with grief

Is she dark?
Perfect sun-kissed skin
The only son to kiss
my complexion
was you
That's why
I'm so pale in her shadow

I bet her hair is straight
Sleek and smooth
Mine is curly
A mess of corkscrews
and complications

I bet she listens to your music
Appreciates your stories
Laughs when she's supposed to
at all the right times
all the right places
I'm so random
Rarely right
An embarrassment

Does she look good in your arms?
Better than I did?
Of course
She's the perfect person
you're wandering eye
was searching for
While you were merely screwing
a mediocre me

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